Wolverine Rangers Organization
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Wolverine Rangers


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The Wolverine Rangers organization is the result of a group of cowboy action shooters who realized
the need for planning and organizing a master calendar for the clubs operating in Michigan.
From this modest undertaking, as in any organization, ideas and long range goals emerged,
to a high level of commitment and to further the growth of cowboy action shooting (CAS)
within the state.  It was quickly decided a name was needed for this body of shooters.
After researching the archives it was discovered that a wagon train of Marshall, Michigan residents,
in 1849, were headed to the gold fields of California using the name of Wolverine Rangers.
In as much as those pioneering residents were embarking on a new course of action,
it is fitting  and appropriate the cowboy action shooters of Michigan carry on with the name
Wolverine Rangers in their pioneering adventure. 

We are a non-profit organization and have a membership of over 200 from Michigan, Ohio and Canada.
We have fifteen Cowboy Action Shooting clubs participating.  This is our nineteenth year of operation. 

SASS is Cowboy Action Shooting.  The Wolverine Rangers embrace the rules of SASS and encourage
cowboy action shooters to join SASS.  SASS has done much to ensure cowboy action shooters are comfortable whether they shoot in Michigan or elsewhere.  As a result of the territorial governors
coming together,  at a yearly summit meeting, cowboy action shooter safety has been addressed
as a stalwart concern.  Range Operations One (RO I) was written and instituted as a guideline
for shooters  to know and understand.  We offer RO I free to all Wolverine Rangers members.
We also encourage  our members to take Range Operations Two (RO II) if at all possible.
This has increased the  consciousness of each participant toward acceptable levels of safety.
In the area of safety, attitude is everything.  

Check out our match calendar and come join us if you are ever in Michigan.