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7/2 EPITAPH - The July issue of the Epitaph is now ready to view, download and/or print.
6/30 FROM THE SENIOR WEB LADY - I'm in the process of redoing the website to remove the Spry Menu Bar that pops out for additional selections (in the left panel).  iPad users are unable to access these menus so they need to be removed (even though I LOVED them) as there are more and more folks using iPads.  Additionally, I have taken this opportunity to make other changes including removing the Charities and Members tab on the navigation bar at the top.  These two items will be incorporated into a new tab at the top called "About Us" which will also include Benefits of Joining, links to joining by check and by debit/credit card, the Wolverine Rangers Organization, History of the 1849 Wolerine Rangers, our By-Laws and an informational brochure about the Wolverine Rangers (which is currently being updated).  This is a "work-in-progress" process as it will take me a few days to get all the kinks out.  But, if after July 4th you find any errors anywhere in the website, please report them to me so I can correct them.
6/29 SAGINAW MATCH INFO - Just a reminder that Saginaw will be hosting 2 days of shooting this July 8-9th.  Each day is a separate shoot and scored each day.  Free camping is available.  Contact Bad River Marty at mnbbell@yahoo.com or 989-585-3292 for additional info.  Saginaw pards hope to see you there!! 
6/22 FENTON SCHEDULE CHANGE - Please note that Fenton has rescheduled their July 9 shoot to October 8.
6/16 CALL FOR EPITAPH ARTICLES - It's almost time for the July issue of the Epitaph.  Please send me any articles you would like to have published in the July issue by Tuesday, June 27.  And remember, pictures are always welcome.
6/10 CALLING ALL COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS - Looking for pards who might be interested in helping with the Great Train Robbery in July.   The train runs from Coopersville, Mich. to Marne, Mich. (about 20 miles northwest of Grand Rapids)  It's a ton of fun, they ride up on horses or on foot and rob the vintage train of fake loot.  They are in need of more bad guys currently (which is the funniest part).  They're all volunteers.  Food and drinks are provided.  The dates are July 15 and July 22 and you can get more information here or check out their gallery of pictures from last year.  If you're interested in volunteering contact Julia Maas or Kyle Maas ASAP.
6/5 UPDATE ON WALL-MA N - Wall-Man, Wally Liley has been released from Crittenton Hospital and is feeling much better.  He states " I truly am now the "bionic man" with the new pacemaker and defibrillator."  We wish him all the best!
5/25 SHOOT ADDED - The Rocky River Regulators of DSC (Utica) have added a Wild Bunch Shoot on Saturday, July 8.
  CONTINUED PRAYERS - Please keep our pards in your thoughts and prayers, keep in contact with them and follow their progress to recovery.
Bad River Marty mnbbell@yahoo.com
Buggy Man geraldknow@gmail.com

Updated: July 2, 2017

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